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Version: 1.17

Deploy your Okteto instance

Configuration file

Before running helm install, we recommend that you create a yaml configuration file with your choices about how to install Okteto. This guide will walk you through the default installation. A complete list of configuration options is available here.

You can use this sample configuration file as a starting point. The different configuration settings are explained below.


You'll receive a license key as part of your subscription to Okteto. If you haven't received it, please open a support ticket.

If you are interested in evaluating Okteto, sign up for our free 30 days trial. No credit card required.

license: XXXXX

Deploy the Okteto Chart

Run helm install to deploy your Okteto instance. In this example, we have named our Helm release okteto.

$ helm repo add okteto
$ helm repo update
$ helm install okteto okteto/okteto -f config.yaml --namespace=okteto --create-namespace

You can also use --version version if you would like to install a specific version of Okteto.

After a few seconds, all the resources will be created. The output will look something like this:

Congratulations! Okteto is successfully installed!

Follow these steps to access your Okteto instance:

1. Start a port-forward to the ingress service by running:

$ sudo kubectl port-forward service/okteto-ingress-nginx-controller 443:443 --namespace okteto

2. Access your Okteto instance at******

Follow these steps to configure the Okteto CLI:

1. Install the Okteto CLI:

$ curl -sSfL | sh

2. Configure the Okteto CLI context:

$ okteto context use --token ****** --insecure-skip-tls-verify

3. You're all set to complete our getting started guide:

Happy coding!

Once the chart is installed, follow the onscreen instructions to finalize the configuration.

Important: The default installation is not recommended for production use. We highly advise following the steps outlined in the Admin Dashboard before giving your team access to your Okteto instance.